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B1 Usability Package

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Customise SAP Business One - Quickly & Easily

Gain more value from SAP® Business One using Business 1 Usability Package.

Business 1 Usability Package (B1UP) is a certified add-on for SAP Business One. It is a user-friendly package that allows you to tailor the entire SAP Business One application to suit your particular needs, and adapt it to the way you prefer to do business.

For example, using the B1 Usability Package you can change the layout of every window in SAP Business One, change tab order, add action buttons to forms, add user-defined fields, hide unused fields, create shortcuts, and create mandatory fields. Such changes can be made quickly and easily by users - without the need for SAP consultants or specialists.

B1 Usability Package Delivers Great Benefits:

  • Quick and Easy Customisation
    Tailor SAP Business One to suit your needs and reduce time-per-transaction.
  • Create Function buttons
    Make shortcuts, automate business processes and improve the navigation through SAP Business One.
  • Mandatory fields
    Make required fields in SAP Business One mandatory; reduce bad or incomplete orders and improve overall quality of data.
  • Screen Design
    Screen designer functionality enables you to re-design every form in SAP Business One if required. You can relocate and hide fields & tabs, control item placement and so customise SAP Business One to suit your business and its processes.
  • Menus
    Add your own menus or edit existing ones. Tailor menus to suit your needs.
  • Tab Control Create new tabs and / or define a new tab order across SAP Business One. Tab control means that you can change the natural sequence of data input and save hours in data entry and invoicing.
  • Define Default Data
    Pre-defined values can be created for any form in the SAP Business One database. This means that you can populate any particular form with default data, editing only the exceptions instead of entering all fields from new.
  • Toolbox
    B1 Usability Package provides a toolbox that enables you to add a range of functions or behaviours to further customise SAP Business One. For example, you can create and assign keyboard shortcuts, and add simple action buttons.
  • Template system
    Store a snapshot of the current data for any window and store it as a template. This results in quick and easy creation of master data – with standard data pre-filled automatically by the template.
  • Quick Create
    The perfect solution for handling sales orders before customer details are on the system. B1 Usability Package allows you to create new item or business partners ‘on the fly’ in a simple form. The transaction can be progressed immediately – and the SAP Business One record completed in due course.

B1 Usability Package

The B1 Usability Package from Frontline Consultancy provides a truly cost-effective addition to your SAP Business One system; it allows you to maximise all of the benefits of an outstanding system and tailor them exactly to your own way of working.

Being able to customise SAP Business One to suit your needs improves your workflow and productivity – saving you time and saving your company money. A customised system reduces requirements for training and support.