SAP BUSINESS ONE > Additional Tools
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For many businesses having an eCommerce presence is essential for their future growth and development. An online store is ideal for small businesses due to its practically endless reach and relatively low cost, however there are also issues small businesses face with having to transfer online data to their ERP system and vice versa.
Frontline have partnered with ePages to bring you a fully integrated SAPĀ® certified solution, that streamlines the workflow between your transactional website and your SAP Business One system.
ePages, a SAP Solution Partner work with Frontline, to provide the exchange of data between the SAP Business One solution and your eCommerce store.
The time-consuming, manual input of data and media disruption becomes a thing of the past.
- Streamlining of internal workflows
- Acquisition of new customer bases and increase in sales
- Reduced costs concerning sales/marketing and order processing
- Improvement of your service offering
- Available quickly: online shop becomes operational within days
- Easy to install without programming experience
About ePages
Established in 1992 ePages and have been pioneers in developing software that enables companies such as SMEs, Telcos and Hosting Providers to generate business via the internet. Today ePages boasts over 50,000 customers using their webshops and business websites, which makes them a leading distributor of eCommerce software.
"Plug & Play" is ePages motto which stands for simplicity, user-friendliness and rapid success in e-commerce. ePages goal is to support maximum sales for implementation partners, hosting providers and small to mid-sized businesses on the internet.